More than 35 years of research

  • Norvia is based on 35 years of clinical research and product development conducted by Lars H. Høie MD PhD, in cooperation with professors at university hospitals in Europe and the U.S.
  • Norvia products are supported by 33 clinical studies & PhD, published in internationally renowned medical and nutritional journals.
  • Dr. Lars H. Høie was awarded his Dr. Philos. degree at Oslo University in 2011, whichis the highest academic degree in Norway. Dr. Høie holds authorship to many scientific papers published internationally.
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The Science 

Norvia is based on DNA certified non-GMO (non genetically modified) bioactive ingredients from the soybean, and improves cardiovascular health and provides antiinflammatory properties.
The bioactive ingredients are carefully selected, combined, processed and manufactured to the highest standards to keep the cardiovascular and other health benefits intact.
It took > 2 years with food scientists in Europe and U.S. developing Norvia® into great tasting, all natural, plant based products.

Clinical publications

Dr. Høie spent 5 years studying Traditional Chinese Medicine in Norway and in China, where he learned about the important health benefits of the soy bean. Dr Høie co-founded the Centre for Heart Medicine in Oslo where he treated hundreds of patients using natural plant-based formulas in which he combined specialised proteins, fibres, lipids and germ extracts from the soy bean.

Dr. Høie´s breakthroughs include developing all natural low calorie meal replacement products, from which significant weight loss, normalising blood sugar and cholesterol levels, as well as significant reduction of cardiovascular risk factors were proven.
Weight management

Beneficial Effects of a Soy-Based Dietary Supplement on Lipid Levels and Cardiovascular Risk Markers in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects

These results indicate beneficial effects of dietary supplementation with Abalon on cardiovascular risk markers in type 2 diabetic subjects. This improvement is seen even in individuals with near-normal lipid values.
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Weight management

A comparison of the effects of 2 doses of soy protein or casein on serum lipids, serum lipoproteins, and plasma total homocysteine in hypercholesterolemic subjects

Adding 30–50 g soy protein/d to a lipid-lowering diet significantly reduced LDL-cholesterol concentrations without increasing lipoprotein(a) concentrations. Plasma total homocys- teine concentrations also decreased, suggesting a novel, possibly antiatherosclerotic effect.
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Weight management

Soy in hypercholesterolaemia: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

Added to a regular diet, Abacor1 significantly reduced LDL-cholesterol and total cholesterol. These beneficial effects occurred within 6 weeks of treatment.
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Isolated soya protein with standardised levels of isoflavones, cotyledon soya fibres and soya phospholipids improves plasma lipids in hypercholesterolaemia: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a yoghurt formulation

In conclusion, the present study supports a significant lipid-lowering effect of isolated soya proteins with standardised levels of isoflavones, cotyledon soya fibres and soya phospholipids. Some product development is
recommended in order to avoid the gastrointestinal symp- toms, and to reduce the volume to be ingested. Dependent on evidence from confirmatory and long-term trials, this soya yoghurt might then be a first intervention step in hypercholesterolaemia in addition to general dietary changes and possibly as an add-on to statin therapy. The rapid onset of effect may prove particularly beneficial to patients who need motivation in the early phases of intervention.
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Weight management

Treatment with AbacorR, a soy-based dietary supplement, further reduces plasma concentrations of total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in statin-treated hypercholesterolaemic patients

The soy-based dietary supplement AbacorR has a total and LDL cholesterol reducing effect when given as supplement to statins in hypercholesterolaemic patients.
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A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial compares the cholesterol- lowering effects of two different
soy protein preparations in hypercholesterolemic subjects

A prepara- tion combining isolated soy protein with soy fibers and phospholipids showed twice the lipid-lowering ef- fect of a preparation containing isolated soy protein alone. There- fore, such soy-based supplements can be useful in reducing the car- diovascular risk.
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Lipid-Lowering Effect of 2 Dosages of a Soy Protein Supplement in Hypercholesterolemia

Based on the observations that soy protein is associated with significant decreases in serum concentrations of total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B, the efficacy of the soy protein supplements (15 g vs 25 g) was approximately equiva- lent. Only nonserious, predominantly nontreatment-related adverse effects were reported. Soy protein supplementation may be a safe and effective approach to reduc- ing the risk for CVD.

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Ultra heat treatment destroys cholesterol-lowering effect of soy protein

A randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study was performed among hypercholesterolemic subjects to investigate the cholesterol-lowering effect of different dosages of a soy preparation in a chocolate flavored milk beverage that was ultra heat treated.
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Weight management

Effects of soy supplementation on blood lipids and arterial function in hypercholesterolaemic subjects

No significant effects on blood lipids were observed in the main study to a soy supplementation in hypercholesterolaemic subjects after 24 weeks. In the substudy, the soy supplementation, however, reduced LDL and total cholesterol but did not influence markers of arterial function.
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Preventive effects of a soy-based diet supplemented with stevioside on the development of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes in Zucker diabetic fatty rats

Long-term administration of a combination of stevioside and soy protein possesses beneficial effects on the main features of the metabolic syndrome, that is, it lowers blood glucose, reduces blood pressure, and improves the blood lipid profile.
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Weight management

Effects of soy and other natural products on LDL:HDL ratio and other lipid parameters: A literature review

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A Newly Developed Soy Based Dietary Supplement Abacor® Compared with Casein Attenu- ates Aortic Cholesterol Accumulation in Rabbits Clamped at the Same Hypercholesterolemic Level

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